Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Obscure Movies

So this is totally inspired by Megan's post, but with her mention of Drop Dead Gorgeous, she got me thinking about obscure movies. One year at ACU, Nichole and I got really bored and went through a few weeks where we would go to the video store and rent random movies. Our only criteria was that neither one of us could know anything about it. Some of them were REALLY bad, but one that I really enjoyed is a movie called The Very Thought of You. It stars Joseph Fiennes and Monica Potter and is about a girl meeting 3 different guys separately, but then they all turn out to be best friends. I like the pace of the movie, the style, and the tone...and Joseph Fiennes isn't half bad either! I don't really have a point from here, except to say that I enjoy obscure movies. Maybe if you're lucky, someday I'll tell you about the time that I had to convince Nichole that just because it is an "independent film" doesn't necessarily mean its either "artsy" or "good." :)

Anyone have an obscure movie they'd like to recommend? I need some good random options.


Anonymous said...

You may have had to convice Nichole about the Indy films thing, but you still need to explain to me the enjoyment of seeing "artsy" movies at all. Not a huge fan...You and Lindsey however, are ALL about the artsy stuff. Sure I know you enjoy a comedy here and there, but still...Most artsy movies are just too heavy. I get bored listening to the titles of most, let alone the whole movie! :)

Find me some good movies that would NEVER win an Academy award and I probably love them all. If it's nominated for more than 1 thing at those awards...too artsy for me! :)

Where have you been?? Call me sometime!! :)

karen b said...

the gods must be crazy

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love to do this! One of my favorite obscure movies is Eight Day a Week. It's got Keri Russel in it and it's really cute. One major bust was something called But I'm a Cheerleader. I kid you not, it was about lesbian cheerlearders at cheer camp! Nice. I'll have to check out your movie-sounds like something I would like!