Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Amazing Ben!!

Wow, three posts in three days.

Tonight I want to brag on my brother, Ben. The boy has more talent than he will ever realize and this is just a little bit of proof. His girlfriend, Vanessa, is a first year teacher and to decorate her room, she wanted some pictures of book covers to go around the top. Ben said, "Hey, I'll paint them for you!" So he freehanded three book covers on giant canvases for her and they are freaking AMAZING!!

Just to remind you what the originals looked are images I pulled off the web:
And now for the most amazing part...painting canvases this big with something like Acrylic or oil paints would cost wayyyy too much (think of those little tiny bottles that they come in!) So what did Ben do? He bought big bottles of TEMPRA PAINT and mixed his own colors!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these masterpieces were made from the same things High School Cheerleaders use to make signs for football games. Amazing. Also, this was his first time to paint with paintbrushes...he usually only does paintings using pallet knives.

The Master hard at work.
Ben, you truly rock!


everbeck said...

OMG this is amazing. 1) Even if they stunk it was an awesome thing to do for his girlfriend 2) They don't stink at all....these are remarkable....guy has some serious talent! 3) You are lucky to have him as a bro :)

Wezie said...

Whoa! What a talented artist he is! What a great idea for room decorations!

Wezie said...
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Katie McB. said...

Those are amazing! I forgot how great of an artist Ben is!

stacey4 said...

WOW!!! I'm impressed!!!

Maggie said...

at first I was like...
"what Ben paints?" then I remember growing up and how he would draw those awesome pics of all the Mario Bro. guys for us.
I said it on my 100 things- I wish I could paint more than anything! I am very jealous. he is awesome :)

Leslie said...

THAT is amazing. I didn't know Ben painted. Crazy talented

Anonymous said...

You've GOT to be kidding me! That's amazing. Absolutely amazing.