Saturday, June 28, 2008

Calling All Bloggers!

Thursday I was looking through blogs, and for some reason decided to go to Lindsey's blog even though I know she doesn't update it anymore. Then I noticed that her old posts were still there, so I started reading from the beginning. After a while I went and read some of my old posts. It really made me miss the "Golden Age of Blogging" amongst our friends - when everyone had blogs and updated them frequently.

My excuse for being a bad blogger is basically that I don't think I'm interesting right now. I don't have kids to blog about and for some reason I don't think my life post-school is nearly as interesting as it was when I was in school. This is kind of ridiculous, because I still do a lot of the same things that I did before. So I'm making a declaration now that I'm going to be a better blogger. And I'm going to make a plea to Lindsey to start blogging again (though I'm pretty sure she won't!) And to everyone else, I miss hearing what's going on in your life! Leave me a comment if you have a blog so that I can update my blogroll and start reading them. :)


Kristen Ballard said...

AMEN! I started in way late on the blogging thing, and now it seems everyone is tired of it. I have loved reconnecting with people that don't live in the area or I don't see anymore. I love your posts- they always make me laugh (especially when you have graphics to help explain!)

Unknown said...

At least you still blog sometimes! I still check Lindsey's about once a week, hoping there's an update. You, Lindsey, and Ryan were some of the first blogs I read over 3 years ago, and I miss "the golden age", too.

You should definitely start blogging more. I find it interesting because you just seem so grown up with a career and all. Don't ever think that you are boring just because you don't have kids to blog about!

stacey4 said...

I'm trying to get back in the swing of things too! June was a low blog month!!!

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

I blog sometimes, and sometimes I don't :)

I try to update weekly and sometimes more if I feel like it

Jennifer Schroeder said...

I have a set of blogs that I like to click on each day. If I am really feeling like not working, then I click on them twice in a day.

Lynn Leaming said...

I do love how blogging let's you keep up on what is going on in people's lives and I love reading yours and the things that you are doing and when you travel. When I saw Lindsey at Jonah I told her I had been waiting for her to update her blog. I also had seen on yours that Joanie was on your blog roll and I check from time to time to see if she will update as I want to see pictures of that sweet boy she adopted. But...after 18 months of no post, I guess she won't. If Jennifer hadn't blogged about Saturn Road's VBS, I would have missed it. So you keep it up or I will just have to keep emailing Patty and asking her what you are up to :)