Monday, November 10, 2008

Things I Could Blog About, But Won't

- Work is busy as usual

- How Wheel of Fortune's new $1Million spot is a load of crap....too many hoops to jump through after you land on it

- The big storm that is headed my way bringing hail and NOVEMBER! Seriously??

- The fact that How I Met Your Mother is the best. show. ever. It is legen...wait for it.....

- How depressing it is to leave work at 5:30pm and have it be completely dark outside. It feels like I'm leaving at 10:00pm!

- I thought working out was supposed to give you energy. It just makes me exhausted and tired

- ....dary

Hope you had a great Monday...or at least as good as it could be!


Meaghan said...

Stopping by to say hi and invite you to this weeks coffee giveaway!

Lynn Leaming said...

I am so with you on the workout! I joined the gym two weeks ago and so far there have been no endorphins kicking in, just a lot of exhaustion! But...what is that saying "no pain, no gain"?

Lindsey said...

HEY! Yeah, the million dollar thing made me really mad at the beginning, but after witnessing someone actually win, I'm now excited. I just can't tell you how great it feels to actually witness someone win, because it's so hard. Oh my gosh, did you watch today? That Hawaiian guy in the middle, was SOOO weird. I couldn't believe it when he acted like he was farting. I think Pat is about to lose it.

Katie McB. said...

1. Wheel's Million was won WAY faster then Deal or no Deal and it's not cheapened by consistently making it easier to win. Seriously lets make 3 quarter of the cases 1,000,000.00 and pray someone get's it and knocks out eveything else so no matter what they get the 1,000,000.00! Arggg!

2. The Big Bang Theory has now passed HIMYM and The Office as the funniest show on TV.

3. Crazy storm knocked out HIMYM. But we got to watch the best show on TV (see 2).

4. I hate driving home in the dark and I too feel way more tired when I get home. Boo to this time change, keep my hour!

Haley said...

Hi, I'm Haley, you know Maggie and Katie's cousin. We are facebook friends. Anyway, I wanted to comment. Well the only thing I know about is the daylight savings time. It gets dark here way too early as well. For example, the other night I was coming out of work at like 5:20ish and the moon was actually out! Not just the faded shadow of the moon or whatever that is, the actual moon! Really? Let's forget moving everything back an hour and stay the same all year round! That's all.

French Blue Home said...

Your blog post was what tipped me off to the fact that we were about to have bad weather the other night. Thank you. You saved my car from hail damage. That's always good times.

French Blue Home said...

Ha, you know I don't watch TV (well, hardly ever)...and it was dark, so I couldn't see the sky. Gosh, you fook... :)

You make me laugh out loud.

Oh, and mine was "actora". That's what I'd be if I were a female actor in Italy.