Monday, September 19, 2005

Fall TV Preview

Okay, I have officially received a threat of being removed from a blogroll, so I guess I'll actually have to start posting again! To get it out of the way, grad school is great, friends are great, life is generally pretty great right now...ask me again around November and I may have a different answer.

Last week, I opened my mailbox and pulled out the Entertainment Weekly that I have been waiting for - the Fall TV Preview. This is the issue where they outline every show that will be on the major channels during primetime this season. So since I have decided to start new shows from the beginning this year, I had to sit down and plan out what I will be Tivo-ing. I don't have a ton of time to watch TV, but at least when I do I will only have to watch things I actually want to! Here is my Tivo schedule for the fall, unless some of the shows suck and I stop watching them.

How I Met Your Mother (7:30 CBS)
Kitchen Confidential (7:30 Fox)

Gilmore Girls (7:00 WB)
House (8:00 Fox)
Supernatural (8:00 WB)
Im' boycotting Amazing Race because its family edition
Boston Legal (9:00 ABC)

America's Next Top Model (7:00 UPN)

Okay, this is the hard time slot...I had to pick only 2 out of Alias, Survivor, OC, and Joey :(
Alias (7:00 ABC, unless Michael Vartan gets killed off, then it is replaced with OC)
Survivor (7:00 CBS)
Reunion (maybe. 8:00 Fox)


The War At Home (7:30 Fox. 1st episode wasn't great, but I'll give it another week)
Desperate Housewives (8:00 ABC)
Family Guy (8:00 Fox)
Grey's Anatomy (9:00 ABC)

So there it is. I'm sure I'll get weary and stop watching half of the shows...especially new ones because several won't be any good. If you ever need an episode of one of these shows, let me know...I'll have them on my DVR.


SubBlogger said...

welcome back to blog land, looks like you've got plenty of TIVOing to watch, I have been sick of summer reruns, Yea to - House, Medium, Grey's A., Desperate, Bost.Legal, Survivor for the Lams. oh and 24.

Wezie said...

Yeah to James Spader and William Shatner for their Emmy's...they totally deserve it!

Trey Laminack said...

Our TV tastes differ, because you see, I only like good shows. (If you like "House" you should like abusive comments.)

Ok both your monday shows look like sad sacks.

Tuesday: I only do Boston Legal from that list. It rocks.

Next Top Model: This show should have gone out with "Hot or Not" with Lorenzo Lamas

Thursday I agree is a good tv day:
I like Survivor and CSI. And I feel naughty if I watch the OC.

Sunday: I always try and record Simpsons, Family Guy, and Now American Dad. I catch War at home by accident but it's actually pretty good.

Sorry I took so long to post, but I thought you quit blogging.

Lindsey said...

WHOA, I was checking your blog, thinking for sure it would be a rerun, then TWO new posts. I'm behind! I'm sorry you're sick. That totally stinks. Well sometimes it's good to get sick, then you have to stay home and rest.