Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm Sick

So tomorrow I have my first MBA midterm, and today I turn up sick. Isn't life just grand? It always happens to me in the same way too:

Day 1 (yesterday): I sneeze all day long, probably about 30 times over the course of the day. And these sneezes actually hurt the back of my throat.

Day 2 (today): My tonsils and whatever else is in the back of my throat are swollen so it hurts to swallow and is hard to breathe

Day 3 (tomorrow - midterm day): Throat hurts worse AND the fatigue/sore muscles set in.

So as we can all see, I have somehow developed impeccable timing to ensure that I will be in bad shape on the day of my first test. No fun at all. :(


Trey Laminack said...

take 4 alka-seltzer and crumple them up in a sprite, drink rapidly, with twist of lemon. This suicide by expanding gasses will make you forget about tests.

(Also, turn on word verification.)

SubBlogger said...

No, I like Tai Chi and find it "purley" for my health. Ha! Get well soon. MC