Wednesday, June 21, 2006

For Stephen


jch said...

Saw your comment over at Holly R's blog. I know Holly from church in Manhattan. My wife and I used to live in Ft. Worth and went to Shelton's. We got Steve to cut our hair. We love him! Next time you go in, tell him that Joe and Laura said "hi" from New York.

(I know this comment is completely random but it's late and I'm dilerious.)

jch said...

make that "delirious"

Josh said...

Everyone goes to Shelton's. Misty's my hair cutter.

Katie McB. said...


Emily said...

Oh, wait....I thought the game was to put up a random picture and say that it is "For ______". Thats all your blog has been lately.... :)

Ashley N said...

Haha...that's hilarious Emily!

Katie McB. said...

You will have at ask Ryan why I put that post up. It only works when the person it's for understands what in the world it is for!

Lindsey said...

HAHA!!! Good one Emily. I seriously laughed out loud. OH and a big CONGRATS on the scholarship.

Katie McB. said...

and when does twice count as "all it has been lately", and not even in a row. There seems to be a couple of huge holes in your theory. But I guess logic doesn't matter when you are TRYING to be funny.

Emily said...

You're just jealous Stephen cause people thought it was funny. :)

Katie McB. said...

People often find funny what they don't understand, as for lindsey, well it's lindsey.

Emily said...

Man, you'd think I brought up
The Da Vinci Code with the number of times Stephen has commented!