Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stephen McBroom - Always the Troublemaker!

I went to Stephen's blog today while on my lunch break at work to see pictures of the sonogram. This is what I got:

Apparently even pictures of a naked fetus are considered child pornography nowadays! Are you trying to get me fired posting filth like that, Stephen?


Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing ever!

Katie McB. said...

What's even funnier is that it's just a naked bumblebee. LOL Who would have thought. Fired for looking at a naked bumblebee.

Ashley N said...

Haha...too funny!

I like how you said "on your lunch break" like you don't look at blogs during work ;)

Emily said...

I actually added in the "at work" after writing the rest because I thought people would think I was at school. But no, I NEVER check blogs at work...I'm perfect like that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Stephen, that's just wrong man. Put some clothes on that thing!